Ivory Guard Re-release

Published 27/04/2015 by leannecrabtree

So my author friend, Natalie Herzer, is re-releasing her book Ivory Guard after it has had a good editing. In response I feel it’s only right to help her get the word out and I’m going to post my original review as well as the book info.

18282611[1]Ivory Guard

Natalie Herzer

Paranormal Romance

Life will make you stumble…

One peaceful afternoon Lillian finds two angels in her living room – wings and gloriole and all – telling her she is an Ivory. Half human and half angel, she is born to fight for humankind and guard the hellholes where the membrane between worlds is at its weakest.
She, an important warrior? Yeah, riiiight.

Life can make you fall…

Raz might be an angel, but he doesn’t do compassion. His job is to train and make her a leader. So Lillian will just have to suck it up when she discovers the deadly truth behind his words. When she does exactly that, he has to admit there’s more to the bookworm than he thought. Much more. But there’s one thing he shouldn’t forget – in his world feelings come with a price. Is he willing to pay?

Love will give you wings.

My Review

4.5 stars.

I’ve been Natalie’s plot tester/beta reader with this, as well as it’s proof reader, from early on and I really enjoyed it, now I’ve finally gotten to read it’s ending.

The thing with Natalie is she always come up with something original. This is the first time I’ve read a book, or even heard of a book, about a team of half angels/half humans who are trained by angels to takeout demons. The same could be said about her Patroness series; once again, I’ve never read anything like it. That’s what I like about her books: they’re different.

I’ve been Natalie’s plot tester/beta reader with this, as well as it’s proof reader, from early on and I really enjoyed it, now I’ve finally gotten to read it’s ending.

The thing with Natalie is she always come up with something original. This is the first time I’ve read a book, or even heard of a book, about a team of half angels/half humans who are trained by angels to takeout demons. The same could be said about her Patroness series; once again, I’ve never read anything like it. That’s what I like about her books: they’re different.

I don’t want to give too much away but this is a story of good (angels) versus evil (demons) to put it simply. The struggle of eighteen year old Lillian as she realises her life is about to change whether she wants it to or not and her journey from bookworm to fearless leader with the help of her Ivory Guard and Raz, the angel of secrets.

I really enjoyed it, like I did her Patroness series and I’m looking forward to reading the second book in the series, Ebony Fight, to see how everything works out for her and her team.

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