
All posts tagged book

Latest proof copy arrived!

Published 08/08/2014 by leannecrabtree

So the latest proof copy of Charlotte & Sebastian arrived about a half hour ago in the post. It looks so much better colour wise now that I’ve done in it two separate pieces instead of one big one.

There are still some issues though.

The cover is still a little pixelated, the writing on the back is too close to the spine, the floral swirl on the back isn’t all the right colour and, though I can’t do anything about this, the title and author name are not on the spine. Scratch that last one since I cant change that.

I must admit though, that I’m really pleased with it. What do you guys think?


DSCN3246  DSCN3247


Published 23/04/2014 by leannecrabtree


I’ve just spent the last hour or two making a cover for Charlotte & Sebastian’s paperback edition. I’m really hoping it comes out looking good and un-pixelated, which is the only real reason why Cat’s Wolf isn’t available to buy yet. I might still add a quote or something to it but what do we think? Like it?

Michelle O’ Leary

Published 19/02/2014 by leannecrabtree

As you may know, every so often I like to do a sort of spotlight on author’s that I’ve read and really liked that aren’t as well known as I believe they should be. So far I’ve done Rachel Higginson and Lindsay Buroker.

Today it’s the turn of Michelle O’ Leary.

She’s an author of science fiction romance. I’ve read two of her books so far, The Huntress and Light of Kaska, and really enjoyed both, with No Such Thing still to read.

I’m not the biggest fan of Sci-fi books, I’ll admit. If I do happen to read one, I’m looking for a good romance sub-plot and Michelle’s books have just that. She weaves stories that draw you in and the world building is really detailed. I grew to really care about her characters plights and were happy when things turned out good for them in the end.

If you like sci-fi romances and are looking for a new name in the genre then I suggest you give Michelle O’ Leary a try. I’m certainly looking forward to reading more from the author in the future.

lightofkaska   thehuntress

Teaser – Storm Warning

Published 03/10/2013 by leannecrabtree


If you’d like to add the book on goodreads, here is the link:

If you’d like to follow along and be the first to hear about new information on Storm Warning (Broken Heartland series #1), you can check out these sites:

Proof Ordered of Cat’s Wolf :S

Published 05/09/2013 by leannecrabtree

I eventually went with the Girl and Wolf cover, since it had 3 votes out of 4 and the CreateSpace team have looked through the file and found no errors so I’ve ordered a proof copy to look through.


The only problem now is that it says it’s going to take up until the 22nd of OCTOBER to be delivered. I really hope I’m happy with it now…

Long overdue update…and Covers (Jen?)

Published 30/08/2013 by leannecrabtree

This feels like the first word count post I’ve done in ages. And it probably is as I’ve been busy doing other things. So here it is:




Coming along rather nicely now. I have a feeling it may end up shorter than Cat’s Wolf which, when complete, was 72 pages and 31,122 words. Fingers crossed it will be finished soon and then it will be off to one Miss Natalie Herzer for a read through.


Jen, you came up with some good ideas/points regarding the cover for my possible paperback version of Cat’s Wolf. It may come to fruition, it may not since it’s only going to be 113 pages long but that’s better than I expected. But I need to do a cover before I mess about with all the finer details of CreateSpace so I’m asking for input. Which one do we like best?




Demon Trappers Series

Published 19/08/2013 by leannecrabtree


Look what’s just arrived in the post. Ebay can be a Godsend sometimes when you want books. These were cheaper (they’re brand new) than on Amazon and they’re only £3.85 each on there.

I just need Foretold now, the final book in the quartet, and I’m sorted.


I so need to know what’s going to happen between Riley, Simon, Beck and Ori.

I’m routing for Beck though!!

Still having problems…

Published 22/07/2013 by leannecrabtree

WordPress still isn’t working properly and takes me about five attempts before it even begins to load and another ten minutes before it finishes and I’m able to even try and write a post. Stupid TalkTalk!!

That’s the only reason why I’m not posting things more often. I also received an email earlier about a book I’m reading Beneath the Surface saying they’re looking for bloggers, readers and reviewers to get in contact with reviews to try and get the book noticed so thought I’d post a blog.

I’m only 10% in at the moment but I’m liking it. Kyran is alpha male and Dale just likes winding him up which is resulting in a rather steamy elevator/lift scene…phew!

The Dark Duet Books

Published 16/07/2013 by leannecrabtree


I know how behind I am reading this but better late than never, right?

I finished reading the first, Captive in the Dark, last night and wowza, what a tale! I cant help wondering how someone can come up with such a story, one that makes you want to hate a character but finding yourself unable to? It’s brilliant and I devoured the book in about 6 hours. It might be rather dark but it’s enthralling.

At 80% and as captivated with the tale as I was I downloaded Seduced in the Dark, the second book, just so I could find out what happened with Livvie/Kitten and Caleb. It’s amazing how one minute you want to kiss him and then the next strangle him for what he’s doing to the poor girl. As I’ve said before it’s enthralling and though you feel for Caleb you also want him to do what’s right.

And I’m almost certain I’ll download Epilogue too 😀

Have you read them?

What did you think?